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Year 8 Admissions

Admissions will be determined by a designated sub-committee of the Board of Governors, which shall include the Principal. The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on the Transfer Application. You may be required to present verification documents after your child has been offered a place at the School, at the sole discretion of the Board of Governors. Original documents are required and not digital copies or photocopies. The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide verifying documents according to the required deadline may result in either the withdrawal of a place or the inability of the school to offer a place.


Saintfield High School - Uniform


Saintfield High School - PE Kit

Transfer Procedure 2024

In the event of the school being over-subscribed, a pupil will be admitted according to the following criteria, applied in the order set down:

1. Children who have a child of the family* currently enrolled at the school (applicants should record on the Transfer Application the name of the child and date of enrolment at the school), or children whose parent/carer is a permanent employee of the school.

2. Children who have had a child of the family* who attended the school. Applicants should record on the Transfer Form the name of the child and date he/she left Saintfield High School.

3. Children who are the eldest child(ren) of the family* (where applicable, twins (or other multiples) will be treated as joint eldest), or the first child of the family to transfer to a non-selective school (verification maybe required) and who attends a traditional contributory primary school (see list of feeder schools below)

4. Academy, Saintfield, Alexander Dickson, Anahilt, Andrews Memorial, Ballynahinch, Cairnshill, Carr, Carrickmannon, Carryduff, Cedar Integrated, Comber, Derryboy, Downpatrick, Drumlins Integrated, Glasswater, Killinchy, Killyleagh, Knockbreda, Millennium Integrated, Moneyrea, St Mary’s, Comber and Spa.

5. Children who attend a feeder/named primary school (see list of schools above) and who list Saintfield High School as their first preference post-primary school on the Transfer Form.

6. All other children.

If, following the application of the above criteria in order, there comes a point where there are more children who meet a particular criterion than there are spaces available, priority will be given to children:

A – Who list Saintfield High School as their first preference post primary school then;

B – For whom Saintfield High School is the nearest suitable school as measured by the Ordnance Survey web distance measurement tool.

*Child of the family as defined in DE Circular 2022/15: The Procedure for Transfer from Primary to Post Primary Education, Annex 2, Paragraph 3.

When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on, or attached to the Transfer Application, relating to the set criteria. Parents/carers should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the school’s admissions criteria is stated on the Transfer Application or attached to it.

Year 8 Waiting List

Applicants who did not gain a place in Saintfield High School as part of the transfer procedure will automatically be placed in rank order upon the school’s admissions waiting list after 1 September 2023.

Should a place become available after 1 September 2023, priority will be given to those applicants who have named Saintfield High School as their first preference post primary school. In the event of a place becoming available the School will contact the applicant’s parent/carer to arrange an interview with the Principal or Vice-Principal. New applications for Year 8 will be added to the waiting list in rank order after applying the admissions criteria.

At the end of Year 8 the School will contact all applicants’ parents/carers on the waiting list to determine whether they wish to remain on the waiting list. Those applicants wishing to remain on the waiting list will be dealt with according to the criteria listed in Admission to Saintfield High School other than at the Customary Transfer Stage.


I still recall the first time I ever stepped inside Saintfield High
School. It was the school’s Open Evening back in January 2019,
and I was instantly impressed. Everyone I met – the teachers, the
pupils, everybody – were so warm and kind and encouraging.
I was overwhelmed by the reception I received that night. I
walked away from the school knowing that Saintfield High
School was the kind of place where I wanted to be.
Starting off was scary. That September, I was a small Year 8 girl
surrounded by seemingly hundreds of bigger kids. However, I
very quickly settled in and I was blown away by how supportive
and welcoming everyone was, staff and students alike. I was
constantly encouraged to work hard and to achieve my best,
and I was able to do that thanks to the unwavering support of
my teachers.

That isn’t to say I found every single subject to be easy. However,
I have been fortunate to have the support of dedicated
members of staff guiding me and supporting my learning every
single step of the way. The teachers and classroom assistants
made it easy to ask for help when I was struggling, and really
took their time to help me understand whatever we were
working on.
Away from schoolwork, the staff in Saintfield High School
have consistently shown how much they care for the pupils’
overall wellbeing. Whenever I, or any of my classmates, have
experienced any difficulties in our lives, I can honestly say, hand
on heart, that the staff have been so compassionate, caring
and supportive.

I am proud of how much I have been able to thrive academically
during my time in this remarkable school, and I know a large
part of that is due to the help of my teachers. They consistently
showed me support and provided encouragement, and that
has helped me to progress so much in my learning.
Primary 7 pupils, by the time you start your journey
at Saintfield High School, I will have left. I
know, however, that I will be able to cope
with whatever comes my way next thanks
to the wonderful five years I have spent
in this fantastic school.

Jo-Anne Allison

Head Girl

I have loved my time at Saintfield High School, and I hope that
you have the same positive experience of this incredible school
that I have had.
I can hardly believe that I am in my last year and will be moving
on to somewhere new! It really doesn’t seem that long ago that
I was a Primary 7 pupil, visiting Saintfield High School’s Open
Evening in 2019. From that night, I knew this was the place for
When I started, I was the only boy who transferred from my
primary school, and I must admit to being worried about
making friends. However, I quickly made some amazing friends,
and together we have made countless unforgettable memories
that I will always treasure.
Some of my favourite memories from school come from
participating in a wide range of extracurricular activities. I think
that Saintfield High School truly is a fantastic and inclusive
school – covering activities from the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Scheme to a massive range of musical performances and
sporting teams.
I have been lucky enough to represent the school on various
sports pitches in contests against other local schools, and I
have recently completed my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
(which involved several nights of camping in the Mourne
Mountains!) and I am currently working towards my Silver
Award - there really is something for everyone here!

I am studying for my GCSEs this year and I can honestly
say that my teachers work so hard to prepare and support
everyone for their examinations. Geography field trips,
for example, have helped me to gain knowledge in the
classroom and apply it to the real world. I also enjoy the
practical side of working in the labs for Science and
Agriculture and Land Use.
Saintfield High School is a great school community, and
it has been a privilege to be part of this over the past five
years. As Head Boy, I am incredibly proud to tell people
that I am a student at Saintfield High School. I would like
to wholeheartedly encourage all Primary 7 pupils reading
this to make the same choice that I did. I know you won’t
regret it – I certainly didn’t!
Primary 7s, I would strongly encourage you to consider
choosing Saintfield High School as your post-primary
option. You will thrive here and be pushed to accomplish
the best grades that you are capable of throughout your
time here. I wholeheartedly hope that you follow in my
footsteps and become a pupil of this wonderful, joyful
and, frankly, exceptional school – you won’t regret it!

Robbie Douglas

Head Boy

What Saintfield High School Means To Me

I like Saintfield High School because there are new subjects to learn.

Thomas Fitzsimmons


I like Saintfield High School because I get to use chemicals in science and play football in PE.

Jack Glover


I like Saintfield High School because we have after-school clubs like BSL British Sign Language and netball.

Lexie Kingham


In Saintfield High School I love the way the teachers and Classroom Assistants are friendly and kind.

Izzy Robinson


I like Saintfield High School because our subjects are fun and have interaction. We have nice teachers.

Finlay Edgar


I like Saintfield High School because all the teachers are nice and kind. They all welcomed us when we joined the school and the pupils here are great.

Jack Hunter


In Saintfield High School I love the way you can come into the library at lunchtime to finish your homework. Our school is just the right size - not too big and not too small

Ruby Love


I like Saintfield High School because the cafeteria food is really tasty and the teachers are nice. I found it easy to find my way around the school when I first started.

Luca Robinson


I like Saintfield High School because you get to make new friends every day and you can learn new subjects. There are lots of clubs and activities to choose from too!

Sophia Thornton


In Saintfield High School I love the food in the cafeteria, especially on a Friday when I get chips! I have made lots of friends.

Katie Martin


I like Saintfield High School because I get to play the bagpipes at lunchtime and we always get to make yummy food in Home Economics.

Jack Moore


In Saintfield High School I love the way I made new friends easily. Our teachers are kind and helpful.

Annie Scarlett