Child Protection Page Banner

Pupil Wellbeing

Our pupils are the foundation of
Saintfield High School

Our pupils are the foundation of Saintfield High School, and their protection is paramount. We aim to provide everyone within our school community the opportunity to work and learn in a safe, happy, secure and caring environment.

Child Protection Procedures

In line with the Department of Education Northern Ireland, Saintfield High School has a duty to refer disclosures of a child protection nature to the appropriate statutory agencies. If any parents and carers have concerns about the safety of their (or another) child they can inform:

Miss Hynds, the Principal;

Mrs Bradley, who is the Designated Teacher for Child Protection, or

Mrs Convill, who is the Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection (in the absence of Mrs Bradley).

Reporting back on the progress and conclusion of a concern will be by the Designated Teacher dealing with the issue. Other avenues open to parents and carers if they remain dissatisfied with the outcome, is first to refer the matter to the Principal, if she has not yet been involved, or second, to refer the matter to the Chair of the Board of Governors. The chart to the right illustrates the process.
