EA portal for Post-Primary admissions opens at 12 noon today.

A reminder to all prospective Primary 7 pupils and their families that the EA portal for Post-Primary admissions opens at 12 noon today. Primary 7 students, it was simply wonderful to welcome you all into our school last Thursday evening – we were thinking of all those receiving results this past weekend, and wish all pupils every success in the weeks and months ahead.

If you have any further queries about Saintfield High School, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Open Evening 2025: What a fantastic evening!

Standing room only, once again, for Miss Hynds’s speech in both the Sports Hall and Assembly Hall, followed by bustling corridors and classrooms all night!

The atmosphere was buzzing as primary pupils were given a real flavour of all that it means to be a part of the Saintfield High School family. Thank you to everyone for attending – it was just wonderful to meet all prospective pupils and their families!


Open Evening 2025: What a fantastic evening!

Standing room only, once again, for Miss Hynds’s speech in both the Sports Hall and Assembly Hall, followed by bustling corridors and classrooms all night!

The atmosphere was buzzing as primary pupils were given a real flavour of all that it means to be a part of the Saintfield High School family. Thank you to everyone for attending – it was just wonderful to meet all prospective pupils and their families!
